My school let out yesterday at 2 PM meaning today I got to lounge around and do a bunch of nothing.. except venture through the crowds and chaos that is Target. I love everything about Christmas Break! This break will be bittersweet as it is the last couple weeks Lilly and I will get to spend with my husband as he'll be deploying soon.. sigh. The life of an Army wife. Anywho.. here's what's been going on this past week, in Five for Friday!
1. I have the best class mom EVER.
Seriously, I don't think I have touched any lamination this school year. My wonderful class mom stops by my room every single morning and asks for work to do. She is willing to stay all day and do all the tedious things that teachers just don't have time for. We ordered this gift for her from MimiLu Boutique, which is also where I ordered a necklace for myself. LOVE.
2. Party Time
Do you see this spread? Class mom organized this Christmas breakfast and brought in most ALL the food and goodies. Her parents brought in the equipment needed to make pancakes and eggs, and pre-made the bacon before school. There were 4 breakfast casseroles. Four. I tried all of them. One of them twice. There was hot chocolate and cute cups with lids and marshmallows. And juice. My kids were in heaven! (See why she gets the necklace?!)3. Presents & Crafts
Another awesome parent came in and led craft making with my kiddos. The picture above is a a tile with the student's silhouette. Earlier in the week all the kids had their pictures taken. The pictures were then cut out and glued face down to the white tile. Modge Podge was put on top for 3-4 layers and left to dry over night. The tile in the picture isn't dry, which is why it looks streaky. I just wanted to sneak in an action picture so I wouldn't forget. The students got to take these home as Christmas gifts to their parents.These Christmas trees weren't exactly easy to make, but they turned out cute!
4. Totally unrelated, but...
Lilly got new shoes! I can't resist a cute pair of mini-me shoes, especially when they're on sale! I swear her feet grow overnight!5. Going back to the Christmas breakfast...
Class mom didn't just bring in a wal-mart bag full of spoons and forks. Nope, she's too cute for that. She had 3 separate bags for spoons, forks, and knives, and even napkins! This way 4 students got to help out and pass out materials!
And these? Place mats. Yes, I know. Adorable.
Relax and enjoy your vacation, my friends!