It's Monday again! Time to link up with Tara for Monday Made It!
This past week I've been getting a head start on creating a couple things for my classroom. Once August hits everything happens so quickly and I always feel too rushed to create new things, so it's best for me to start in the summer. This little project didn't take long at all.
I created a cute little sign to hot glue on the front of my box, matching my Hollywood theme of course, and purchased these other supplies at Wal-Mart. I love this particular box because it isn't flimsy and can be carried from home to school and meetings and back again, a million and one times without breaking. I don't have to worry about shoving 3 huge notebooks in my teacher bag anymore! I have all the student information I need in one place that isn't a huge filing cabinet.
I don't bother writing student names on folders until about 2-3 weeks into the school year. Rosters have a way of changing every. single. day. until about then, and it drives me bonkers when my student numbers aren't in ABC order. But after this time I do assign students each a number that corresponds with many other things in our class. At this time I do write their names of their folders.
I have tried many ways in the past to keep track of my communication with parents, and this is by far the best I've found. I simply take a legal pad and tear off pages that are stapled to the left side of the folder. When I use up an entire page, I staple another page over it and keep recording. Inside the folder I keep important documents and forms.
Don't forget--today is the last day to enter a class set of novels and my Sophie Simon novel unit! The winner will be announced on my blog and FB page tomorrow!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway