Friday, August 9, 2013

Five for Friday, a Flash Freebie, and another Freebie! {Hello Alliteration}

It's Friday... sigh. Today is/was my last Friday before workdays, and here I find myself still working on classroom related items. Of course, because I am a teacher. :) In true back to school fashion, I'm linking up for Five for Friday goodness! Click on the (excellently updated) picture to visit for yourself.

Number 1.
I finally finished my author's purpose task cards. Sweet Jesus I have been working on these things since like--May! There are 28 task cards total, a game board, poster for your literacy wall area, game participation cards, a response sheet and answer key. I have already printed and cut mine, and will be laminating ASAP!



Oh... and they are currently FREE in my TpT store {Here} if you want to download them! This Freebie won't last for long, though, so get them while you can. I'd love some feedback, people! :)
But WAIT! There's another freebie if you keep reading, so be sure to come back! :)
Number 2.
I've been working on my classroom this week trying to finish up what's left. I have also been doing as much as possible at home, too, like these to put out for open house.
You can check these cute print-ables out {here}.
Number 3.
Still on the Hollywood kick, here is a freebie that I shared a couple days ago. Just click the picture to download a copy of this cute roster for yourself! I assign student numbers to cut down on having to re-make items from year to year. The problem is I sometimes forget their numbers, so I plan to post this chart up in my room and also place one in my teacher notebook.
Number 4.
Teacher County Orientation. Yeah, that was today, from 7:45-4. There's nothing else I really need to say about that. Ugh.
Number 5.
 I've never taught at a school where I'm responsible for turning in a lunch count each day, so this will take some time to get used to. I whipped up these little cards and student numbers, threw some magnetic tape on the back and hope to stick them on a filing cabinet if I ever get one. :)
Well, folks, that's it! I'm off to do a bunch of nothing! Go link up!

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  1. We do lunch count, but I always had a parapro to remember to do it... eek!!!! I will have to remember that now... glad you mentioned that!!! Have a great school year! :)

    Kimberlee @ iTeach 5th & Digital Doodle Designs
    Follow on Bloglovin'

  2. The Author's Purpose Cards look great! Are they free on TPT now? I went over and it says they are $2.75, which is fine. I'll probably buy them anyway. It just doesn't hurt to save some dollars if I can!

  3. I did those "Thanks for Popping In" popcorn bags last year. They were a big hit. :-)

    From Mrs. Allen's Teaching Files

  4. Found your adorable blog on Pinterest. Would you do me a huge favor and include the source of popcorn bag picture? Here is the blog post where you can get the free download:
    Thanks so much.

  5. Oh noooo I wouldve LOVED your author's purpose task cards as a freebie!! Just discovered your blog and we are your newest followers!! It's wish listed now ;-)
