Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Freebie for Annotating Text

It's Friday, hallelujah! I considered linking up for Five for Friday, but I'm too exhausted for five of anything right now. Except for maybe 5 consecutive hours of sleep. Anyone with me?!

Cell phones from Melonheadz clipart, I just added the words on top. She's fantastic! :)

I did want to pop in and share a freebie I made with all of you fantastic people. I'll be using these cell phones on Monday as we begin the process of close reading. Every annotation can be done with a pencil since the idea of a highlighter and anything state-testing-related gives me severe anxiety. If you are concerned about the colored ink, not to fear! There are both smaller versions and black/white versions available. 

Click on any of the pictures to download these from Google Docs. Enjoy your weekends, friends! 

Want to check out other free resources? Click below to do so! :)

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